Miss Señorita
Digital, Engaging, Free… You’ll DEFinitely love them! Get it? D igital, E ngaging, F ree… DEF initely?! I know, I’m so clever. *takes a bow* I'll be here all week... 🤪...
I have always found myself going back to the same types of speaking activities unit after unit, year after year. They’re easy for me to plan. After a while though, kids eyes glaze over and they’re like, “Oh, we’re doing THIS activity again?” *insert teenagers rolling their eyes and looking as disinterested as possible* If you’re looking for some fresh new ideas to broaden your teacher toolkit and include some variety in your lessons this year – look no further!...
Imagine: You’ve got  30  way too many students in class and you have successfully coerced them into opening their mouths and speaking Spanish. Maybe they’re in partners, maybe it’s a group activity.  But now what? How do you grade them?...
Looking to keep things fresh and new without driving yourself crazy with planning and prep? Want to incorporate listening, speaking, reading, AND writing activities all in one class period, but aren't sure how?...
You know when you teach 3 or 4 (or 5… oh god or 6??) Spanish 1 sections… and one of the classes is highly motivated 🤓. And one of them can’t stop talking 🤪. One of them is right after lunch when everyone wants to sleep 🥱. Then the last one is full of jokesters 🤡 … like each class has its own personality....
How do you teach your students about allllll of the Spanish-speaking countries and cultures around the world? Let them do the research and present to the class!...
I have always found having a bell work assignment projected on the screen as students enter class to be an easy routine.  Students sit down and get started on something that is suuuuuuper easy for them to do, and will remind them of what we previously did or get them ready for that day's lesson. ...