Miss Señorita
Looking to keep things fresh and new without driving yourself crazy with planning and prep? Want to incorporate listening, speaking, reading, AND writing activities all in one class period, but aren't sure how?...
You know when you teach 3 or 4 (or 5… oh god or 6??) Spanish 1 sections… and one of the classes is highly motivated 🤓. And one of them can’t stop talking 🤪. One of them is right after lunch when everyone wants to sleep 🥱. Then the last one is full of jokesters 🤡 … like each class has its own personality....
How do you teach your students about allllll of the Spanish-speaking countries and cultures around the world? Let them do the research and present to the class!...
I have always found having a bell work assignment projected on the screen as students enter class to be an easy routine.  Students sit down and get started on something that is suuuuuuper easy for them to do, and will remind them of what we previously did or get them ready for that day's lesson. ...
This post should be called "How to structure your 50-minute Spanish class period so students listen, speak, read, and write Spanish every day", but that's way too long. 🙃 It's definitely not possible for students to do a listening activity AND a speaking activity AND a reading activity AND a writing activity absolutely every single day....
  It's that time of the year that is dreaded  for students and teachers alike - back to school.  No one wants to have to know what day of the week it is... or set an alarm for 5am. 🙃 If you're feeling like...  the worst level of dread for back-to-school, you need some ✨ inspiration ✨ to remember why you get up every morning and do the wonderful things you do!...
How do you get teenagers to talk about health-related vocabulary and give advice when they think fast food is the ideal meal? You have them create "crazy people" and give the advice you taught them!...