November 2023 | Miss Señorita
Okay, so you've taught affirmative tú commands and negative tú commands to your Spanish students. Now what?? Let's give them a way to express themselves and use the language in a fun and engaging (and very targeted  🙃 ) way! Let's have them do a project.  😆 Step 1: Choose a format. What format do you want your students to use for the project?  💻Powerpoint?  🖥️Google Slides?  📝Paper?  Pick whatever format makes the most sense for your students.  Step 2: Decide your requirements.  Did your students learn both affirmative and negative tú commands? If so, have them include both. How many sentences do you want them to write?  What types of verbs do you want them to include? I require students to use a certain number of regular, stem-changing, and irregular verbs.  Do you want students to include an image? Let them know. Are you grading them on their grammar or a variety of vocabulary? Let them know. Step 3: Assign point values. All of your requirements need point valu...