How to Make an Engaging Project for a Spanish Health Unit | Miss Señorita

How to Make an Engaging Project for a Spanish Health Unit

How do you get teenagers to talk about health-related vocabulary and give advice when they think fast food is the ideal meal?

You have them create "crazy people" and give the advice you taught them!
I have students do a 4-day project at the end of the Health Unit, so they can use all that wonderful vocabulary they learned, and get super creative with it.

I have taught a Health Unit in Spanish 1 and Spanish 3, so I have slightly different requirements for this project in those levels (since Spanish 3 students know the subjunctive by the time they get to this unit, and just have such a wider vocabulary), but the overall project is just about the same. 

How to break down this multi-step project

Day 1

Have students create a crazy person. 

Write a paragraph all about the problems this person has, plus draw them in their natural crazy state.

Day 2

Students get to see the "crazy people" their classmates created and give them advice for how to improve their health.

Encourage students to be creative and use as much of the vocabulary they learned as they can!

You can have them pass papers around the room, or post the papers on the walls and have them walk around. Whatever is easier for your class procedures.

Days 3-4

Students create a resort for all the crazy people to go to and get healthy. 

Maybe they offer yoga classes or weight lifting or healthy food options... students also write a paragraph describing their resort and all the amenities it offers. 

Get it done for you. 

You can get this Healthy Lifestyle Project done for you, ready to go for Spanish 1 and Spanish 3 in my TpT store. 

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