3 Easy and Engaging Bell Work Formats for Spanish Class | Miss Señorita

3 Easy and Engaging Bell Work Formats for Spanish Class

I have always found having a bell work assignment projected on the screen as students enter class to be an easy routine. 

Students sit down and get started on something that is suuuuuuper easy for them to do, and will remind them of what we previously did or get them ready for that day's lesson. 

Before I jump into bell work formats that I love - I already have a blog post on bell work routines that work

Check that out if you're agonizing over whether you should grade it (you should pretend to 🙃) and how to set up a routine that will work for you.

Okay let's talk about winning formats for bell work activities students can do without raising their hands for help.

Match the vocab words and images

If students just learned new vocab yesterday, or if you want them to get a refresher on vocab they haven't seen in a while, but will help them out in today's lesson - this is a great activity. 

I include 5-6 vocab words and clipart images for students to match.

Pro tip: Make sure students are already familiar with the images and can use their notes to help them, so they aren't asking you for help while you take attendance or get yourself ready for the class. 

Fill in the blank

Want to review verb forms? This format is ideal for that. 

Have students fill in the blank with one verb in all forms (like the example below), or various verbs - all AR verbs for example. 

Pro tip: If I think students will need any help on this, I include a word bank with all the correct answers for students to choose from. 

Unscramble vocab words

I am personally terrible at unscrambling words, so I don't love this option, but it can be fun.

Use all very recent vocab (like yesterday's ideally). And make sure all vocab is from the same genre (ideally the same lesson), so students are racking their brains too much. 

Pro tip: You could also include a word bank (with incorrect options included) to help students out. 

Bonus: match questions and answers

Similar to the matching option above - you could have students match questions and answers. I find this is a good way to review right before an exam. 

You can also review old questions and answers that students haven't seen in several months. 

Get my FREE bell ringer and exit ticket templates!

I have students grab a half-sheet for the ejercicio as they enter the room. Grab this template FREE in my TpT store

Do you have go-to bell work formats you love to use? Share in the comments below! 👇

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