Three Simple Ways to Manage Teacher Stress and Anxiety | Miss Señorita

Three Simple Ways to Manage Teacher Stress and Anxiety

Teaching is sometimes... really hard.

Like really really hard. 🥴

It can also be incredibly rewarding, but sometimes you feel like your students aren't learning what you're trying to teach them and your 3rd period is full of clowns that don't pay any attention.

We won't even talk about teenagers being disrespectful. 😐

If you're having a really hard day, week, or year - here are 3 suggestions for managing teacher stress and anxiety:


Your students cannot get the most from their amazing Spanish teacher if your gas tank is empty.

Prioritize yourself after 3pm and on weekends.

Take a bath.


Do yoga.

Go for a walk.

Drink a tall glass of wine water.

Eat a piece of cake. Actually, who cares - eat the whole damn cake.

Whatever you need to do to recharge – do that. Your students need you, and you need to be sane for them.

We Are Teachers has a fabulous article on 7 Simple Ways to Sneak Mindfulness Into Your Teaching Day

My personal favorite on their list is #4 about calming essential oils, and #7 about connecting with even your most difficult students. 

Repeat after me: Taking care of yourself is taking care of your students.

Don't be afraid to say no.

You do not need another duty.

I don't even need to see your teaching schedule - I guarantee you do 👏 not 👏 need 👏 another 👏 duty.

You do not need to sponsor that club.

You don’t need to do anyone an extra favor.

Literally just no.

You can’t practice self-care if you’re grading papers, running a club, and putting together the Talent Show until 8pm every night.

Would students benefit from you doing that extra thing? Yeah, maybe.

But if the cost of you taking on that extra duty is burnout – it’s not worth it. Period.

Change Your Mindset

It explains what anxiety is, what causes it for teachers, and ideas for relief. My favorite idea, which can be really hard to face if this is a position you find yourself in, is to find a school that suits you

Find a school where admin truly appreciates and supports you and the world language program.

What do you do to stay sane, avoid anxiety, and set work boundaries? Share in the comments below!

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