1 Easy Tip to Prevent Cheating on Quizzes | Miss Señorita

1 Easy Tip to Prevent Cheating on Quizzes

The whole point of a quiz is to assess students' knowledge. Not their eyesight of their neighbor's answers. 😒

If you have students with wandering eyes, I have a tip for you! 

Make different versions of the quiz.

It does take a little longer to make 2 (or 4 😂) versions of the quiz with different answer keys, but it's totally worth it.

Because someone will inevitably copy their neighbor's answers and get a ZERO.

And that'll be the last time anyone ever does it. 😈😂

There are two ways you can (easily) make different versions of the same quiz.

1. Change the order of the questions.

Bump every number down 1 and make the last question #1.

The only thing you have to be cautious about is if #1 is B and #2 is B, then when you bump #1 to #2 and #2 to #3, version 2's answer key still has the same answer B as the first version. You will want to change that answer. 

2. Change the order of the answers.

This is a viable option if your quiz is multiple choice. A becomes B, B becomes C, C becomes D, and D becomes A.

When I make a quiz, I keep track of what all the answers are so that I can make sure each version has a completely different answer key. 

I hope this helps keep everyone's eyes on their own papers! 

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