Miss Señorita
Lesson planning can be a MONSTER. It's this continual chore and sometimes I have felt like I'm barely ahead. And that's stressful! ...
Have you ever looked at your calendar and realized - wholly crap the midterm is 3 weeks away and I still have 6 weeks worth of material to teach! I know I've been there. #firstyearteacherproblems #andsecondyeartoo I have some tips to help you out in this moment of crisis and to help you avoid it in the future!...
Every year I look forward to some lessons more than the others that I teach. But there's one in particular that I looooooove teaching. It's my FAVORITE day of the school year because I love teaching this lesson so much....
This is my last blog post about traveling abroad with students. The first post focuses on why you should take a trip abroad with students ( HERE ), the second focuses on how to plan a trip ( HERE ), the third focuses on what to plan for before the trip ( HERE ), and this final post focuses on what to plan for once you get to your destination.  This post is basically what I learned through experience, having taken teenagers abroad....
This is my third blog post about traveling abroad with students. The first two focused on why you should plan a trip abroad with students and how to plan the trip. This blog post focuses on what you should plan for before you get to the airport. The first part "Why you should take students abroad" is  HERE  and the second part "How to plan for taking students abroad" is  HERE . ...
This is Part 2 of my 4-part series on traveling abroad with students. Part 1  focuses on why you should take a trip abroad with students, and if you are reading this hopefully you are already sold on the idea.  ...
This is Part 1 of my 4-part series on traveling abroad with students.  I went to Italy with 5 students in 2014 and to Spain with 11 students, 2 parents, and a teacher-friend in 2015. Both experiences were absolutely amazing and I want to encourage many more teachers to go abroad with students!  You don't have to be a foreign language teacher - one of the other teachers I traveled with in Italy was an art teacher.  Also, I don't even speak Italian, so you don't have to go to a country whose language you already speak....