Miss Señorita
Distance learning has completely changed teaching and it's not better or worse, it's just different. Okay, maybe it is worse. But, if your school is currently completely virtual - Loom can be your best friend....
We're in the middle (like no end in sight) of a pandemic and yet some schools are planning on re-opening in person in the fall. This is deeply concerning for a number of reasons. ...
Parent teacher conferences gave me nightmares my first year of teaching. By my third year of teaching, parent teacher conferences were my FAVORITE night every single quarter. ...
Whenever I am brainstorming how to teach a particular grammar topic or set of vocabulary, my go-to speaking activity is an info-gap activity. It's easy to set up (once you get the hang of it) and I can target whatever grammar or vocab that lesson is focusing on. ...
The first year is the hardest. Seriously. If you're in your first year now, just know that IT GETS BETTER . And easier. ...
I used to have a recurring nightmare every single year that it was the first day of school and I had an entire class of kids in front of me and I had no lesson plans . No PowerPoint, no papers, no supplies whatsoever. Just me and a class of kids staring at me. I had to wing it and try not to give them the impression that I'm an unprepared buffoon. ...