Miss Señorita: classroom management
Full disclosure - I never liked spending time putting things up on my bulletin boards.  There are sooooooo many things to do as a teacher - especially at the beginning of the school year. Stapling things to bulletin boards just never felt like the best way to spend my limited time . ...
The whole point of a quiz is to assess students' knowledge. Not their eyesight of their neighbor's answers. 😒 If you have students with wandering eyes, I have a tip for you! ...
Bell ringers will get your students seated and working from the moment the late bell rings. Seated, silent , and on-task.  This activity does not actually include the promise of silence, but you can dream. ...
My 7th grade Social Studies teacher let us choose our seats.   On the very first day of school!   It was something I had never been allowed to do before and it was incredibly exciting.  We could all sit with our friends!  ...
The first year is the hardest. Seriously. If you're in your first year now, just know that IT GETS BETTER . And easier. ...
I love sticky notes. I make lists of things I n eed to do on them all the time. (Doe s it even count as completing a task if you don't get to cross it off a list?) ...
A classroom full of students with too much free time is the stuff nightmares are made of. If you're done with all the work you had planned for today and there's still more than 5 seconds until the bell rings, then you can whip up this game out of thin air and pretend it was your plan all along. ...
I don't like data. Do I look like a math teacher???!!! My first year of teaching my admin and mentor teacher tried to tell me I had to have an exit ticket every day and at the end of every period I had to examine the data to see how many kids got the lesson, how many were shaky, and how many were lost.  ...
I inherited a class set of student white boards (about the size of a piece of paper) in my first teaching position and it was The 👏 Best 👏 Thing 👏 Ever 👏.  ...
Coloring is the best thing ever. High school students like to pretend they are too cool for coloring activities, but that is a straight-up lie.   Middle school students love coloring as well, but will also pretend they are "too old for coloring". (lolz) When I talk about coloring activities in the high school and middle school Spanish classroom, I don't mean coloring pictures of Dora and staying in the lines.  I mean activities with colored pencils (or markers or crayons) that support that day's objective for the Spanish lesson.  Or honestly a lesson in any subject....