Sticky Notes: A Remarkably Easy Behavior Management Tip | Miss Señorita

Sticky Notes: A Remarkably Easy Behavior Management Tip

I love sticky notes.

I make lists of things I need to do on them all the time. (Does it even count as completing a task if you don't get to cross it off a list?)

I use them as labels on copies that have already been made for what day and class they are for.

I write down notes to myself about how the lesson went if there's something I definitely do or don't want to repeat next year.

And now... a new use!

I keep a pad of sticky notes easily accessible so I can write a positive note to students in the moment and stick it on their desk while they're working.

I'm talking about that moment when the class clown finally settles down and gets to work.

I write a happy note, and quietly stick it on a student's desk when I walk by as I'm answering questions or just generally monitoring how things are going while students work independently.

It's a nice way to let students know that you see them working hard, you appreciate them, and to encourage their positive behavior. Especially the students who do not always display positive behavior in your class and seek out any attention - including negative attention.

Building relationships with students can be so hard because it takes time. It doesn't happen over night. Writing a short note that is genuine (students know when you're being fake from a mile away) can be a step in the right direction and let them know you see when they're doing great work.

Know that evvvvvvvvveryone in class will notice you put a note on a student's desk. They will allllll want to know what it says, why they didn't get one, and what they need to do to get a special note from their favorite Spanish teacher.

Maybe strive to write 2 notes to students in every class period twice a week. See how it improves your relationships with students, especially if you give a positive note to a difficult student. It's the little things that can build great relationships with students over time!

What little things do you do in your class to build relationships with students? Please share in the comments below!

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