End Your Spanish Clothing Unit with a Fun Skit: Fashion Police | Miss Señorita

End Your Spanish Clothing Unit with a Fun Skit: Fashion Police

Want a fun and engaging idea to wrap up your Clothing Unit?

Do a Fashion Police Skit with your students!

This skit works best with Spanish 1 or 2 students, but you could absolutely level up the requirements for upper-level students with more language skills.

Here's how I have this project set up:

  • Students work in groups of 3 (or 4 if the number of students isn't divisible by 3)
  • Over 2 days they create a skit, turn their script in for credit, and they present on Day 3

What I have them include in their skits:

  • Student A is wearing something atrocious. I encourage everyone to be creative with what this might be.
  • Students B and C approach Student A, announce that they are "policía de moda", and tell Student A what is wrong with their outfit
    • maybe it doesn't fit right
    • or the colors don't match
    • or there are too many patterns
    • or it's out of fashion... etc
  • Student A defends their choices but asks what they should wear
  • Students B and C make suggestions for what would be better. 

How I grade the skit:

  • Students are graded on pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and grammar
    • Pronunciation - can I understand what you're saying?
    • Fluency - does it sound like you know what you're saying or practiced?
    • Vocabulary - are you including a variety of words we recently learned?
    • Grammar - is it correct?
  • I give them a grade during other groups' presentations for being quiet and respectful
    • These are free points for most students

Pro tips:

1) You're going to have to sell this to students. 

No one will initially be like "oh my gosh, yes! I can't wait to wear something ugly in front of all my friends!". 

Tell them how fun it will be. Encourage them to be creative and once you get them to tap into being goofy, they'll love it.

2) You might want to let admin know about this in advance.

I did this skit in schools with uniforms, so I got special permission for students to change out of uniform at the beginning of class and then change back at the end. 

I had to then allow enough time for changing clothes, which is tight in a 50-minute class period. 

Even if your school doesn't have uniforms, admin might want to know why 10 kids from your class are all changing their clothes 3 minutes after the late bell rang. 

Want this skit done for you?

You can grab the Spanish Fashion Police Clothing Skit here in my TpT store. It includes: 

  • rubric for students
  • grading rubric for the teacher
  • teacher's guide
  • alternate written comic strip project for any students who are mortified by the idea of a skit in front of their peers

What project or skit do you do to wrap up the Clothing Unit? Share in the comments!

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