Miss Señorita
A classroom full of students with too much free time is the stuff nightmares are made of. If you're done with all the work you had planned for today and there's still more than 5 seconds until the bell rings, then you can whip up this game out of thin air and pretend it was your plan all along. ...
I don't like data. Do I look like a math teacher???!!! My first year of teaching my admin and mentor teacher tried to tell me I had to have an exit ticket every day and at the end of every period I had to examine the data to see how many kids got the lesson, how many were shaky, and how many were lost.  ...
If you've got 10 minutes left of class time and you need another activity to fill time until the bell rings - charades could be what you're looking for. It takes almost zero prep beforehand , so you can easily make it look like you had this plan ned the whole tim e, and definitely intended to end the lesson with charades. ...
If your students have ants in their pants and you want an activity where they can get up, but have a purpose and reinforce Spanish - this is the activity for you! There is also a digital version if your classroom is currently virtual or if your students are 1:1 with devices 😄 Oh, and it can be used with just about any grammar or vocabulary topic. So it's an easy activity that you can use over and over again for each unit. Yaaaasssssss. ...
I inherited a class set of student white boards (about the size of a piece of paper) in my first teaching position and it was The 👏 Best 👏 Thing 👏 Ever 👏.  ...
Lesson planning can be a MONSTER. It's this continual chore and sometimes I have felt like I'm barely ahead. And that's stressful! ...
Have you ever looked at your calendar and realized - wholly crap the midterm is 3 weeks away and I still have 6 weeks worth of material to teach! I know I've been there. #firstyearteacherproblems #andsecondyeartoo I have some tips to help you out in this moment of crisis and to help you avoid it in the future!...