Miss Señorita
  It's that time of the year that is dreaded  for students and teachers alike - back to school.  No one wants to have to know what day of the week it is... or set an alarm for 5am. 🙃 If you're feeling like...  the worst level of dread for back-to-school, you need some ✨ inspiration ✨ to remember why you get up every morning and do the wonderful things you do!...
How do you get teenagers to talk about health-related vocabulary and give advice when they think fast food is the ideal meal? You have them create "crazy people" and give the advice you taught them!...
Full disclosure - I never liked spending time putting things up on my bulletin boards.  There are sooooooo many things to do as a teacher - especially at the beginning of the school year. Stapling things to bulletin boards just never felt like the best way to spend my limited time . ...
Want a fun and engaging idea to wrap up your Clothing Unit? Do a Fashion Police Skit with your students! This skit works best with Spanish 1 or 2 students , but you could absolutely level up the requirements for upper-level students with more language skills....
You want to keep things fresh and new and engaging in your Spanish class, right? Here are 7 ideas for engaging writing activities that you can use for a ny level of Spanish and just about any topic!...
  Need an idea to get students speaking Spanish and practicing new vocab? Try this bingo-style whole-class speaking activity!...
Okay, so you've taught affirmative tú commands and negative tú commands to your Spanish students. Now what?? Let's give them a way to express themselves and use the language in a fun and engaging (and very targeted  🙃 ) way! Let's have them do a project.  😆 Step 1: Choose a format. What format do you want your students to use for the project?  💻Powerpoint?  🖥️Google Slides?  📝Paper?  Pick whatever format makes the most sense for your students.  Step 2: Decide your requirements.  Did your students learn both affirmative and negative tú commands? If so, have them include both. How many sentences do you want them to write?  What types of verbs do you want them to include? I require students to use a certain number of regular, stem-changing, and irregular verbs.  Do you want students to include an image? Let them know. Are you grading them on their grammar or a variety of vocabulary? Let them know. Step 3: Assign point values. All of your requirements need point valu...
  If you've ever been tasked with teaching "reflexive verbs" or "the preterite" or "travel vocabulary" - you already know this isn't as easily done as it is said. "The Preterite Tense" for example is a beast of a tense with lots of exceptions (looking at you - verbs that add Y in some forms but not all forms) ....
 I Have Who Has (or Yo Tengo ¿Quién Tiene?)  can be a fun whole-class game to practice vocabulary. You just need at least as many vocabulary words as the number of students in your biggest class, powerpoint, and cardstock. Oh, and scissors or a paper cutter. How this game is played Each student gets a card. Each card has a top section that says "Yo ___ tengo. (insert vocab word here)" and a bottom section that says " ¿Quién tiene (insert clipart for a different vocab word here)". Pick a student to start. They will read the question on the bottom portion of their card.  For example, if you're reviewing school vocabulary, they might say "¿Quién tiene la regla?" The student whose sentence at the top has la regla in parenthesis will call out "Yo la tengo." And then they will ask the question at the bottom of their paper. Eventually all students will get a turn and it'll lead back to the student who asked their question first. You can also ...
Did you know you can earn credits toward purchasing resources FOR FREE on TpT?...
Is lesson planning taking up all your free time? ⌛ Is personal time just lesson planning time now? 🥴 Do you struggle to come up with a variety of listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities for your Spanish 1 & 2 classes? 😣...
When you're teaching new Spanish vocabulary words, you want students to get all sorts of practice listening, speaking, writing, and reading these new words.   Because how else are they going to master them? ...
  Let's assume you have a list of 40 food vocabulary words you have to teach your Spanish 1 students in a Food Unit. Let's plan out how to do that in context!...
I came across The Unfair Game many years ago looking for a whole-class review game for my Spanish classes.   Basically, students work in groups to answer questions and the point value isn't revealed until after they've answered the question. And sometimes the point values are negative. ...
If you're looking for a fun and engaging game to review just about any vocab - look no further than Go Fish!...
I always felt like I was barely keeping up in 8th grade math. But I was keeping up.  The barely part was stressful though....
Imagine the scenario where you have students working quietly for 3 days creating a "magazine" to show off their Spanish clothing and accessories vocabulary. And cuesta  with numbers, just for funsies. This can be your reality, my friend!...
You ever wonder how you can easily teach calendar vocabulary in Spanish 1? Here are 3 tips to make it seamless and comprehensible!...
You know when you plan that great lesson and it finishes 15 minutes before the bell rings... and you're like omg now what?? And the students stare at you like now what?? Yeah... it happens....
I find the commands unit to be pretty fun to teach. Students love being bossy! 😂...
I like to include listening activities in my Spanish classes as much as I can. It can be seriously challenging to find good listening activities for lower-level students, though. Textbooks only have so many (good) listening comprehension activities, and it can be tricky to find recordings of Spanish speakers who speak SLOWLY and CLEARLY . Here are five great websites that I've found and used in my Spanish 1 and 2 classes: ...